welcome to if r o b i n ruled the world.

"and everyone in her presence endures these life sentences"
this is the diary of a young black girl ..

Monday, August 9, 2010


this is just a simple post dedicated to my ride or die. christiannnnnn !

i didn't really get to spend as much time with her as i wanted this summer but the time we did spend was awesome as ususal.

sooo , just a few candids of us showing you friendship at its best.

love you christiannnnn !
ride or die , no matter what the consequences.

est. 2005

until next time. . .

oh time , where have you gone ?

mannn , crazy how time flies. next week , the dream comes true ! i go to richmond to continue my undergraduate career. i must say .. i'm pretty effing excited. 

to know me is to know how much it means to me. and even then .. you still would never be able to understand the magnitude of this .. but anywhoooo. i couldn't leave off to school without my yearly ode to summer.

i must admit this summer was a little whack to me. sometimes emotionally frustrating , tiring , and plain crazy. but , there were some good times as well. where do i start ?

if i wasn't eating somewhere new after work with derrell ..
[ montgomery grill on high street .. crack ! ]

then i was adding something new to my body , ha.

got an industrial piercing .. and yes i took it like a G.

and if i wasn't spending time with a friend from afar ..
ronalddddd ! [ kiana's graduation party ] what a weekend !

then i was creating nights that i can't remember with the people that i won't forget.

and if i wasn't with birdgang , brrrr ! [ that's a story for another post ] 

then i was celebrating the accomplishments of the ones i love ..
congrats arieeeeee. love you , :))) 

and you know i couldn't go through out summer with just random times with the people i love !

but you can garuntee , that no matter how much i went through this summer .. that when i got out the house , i was ALWAYS sporting my favorite dance move. all i need is music .. i'll dance till i laugh my head off. it keeps me sane.

well , that's pretty much my summer in a nutshell. i'm pretty ready to go back to school. i'm actually going to miss some of my hampton fam. but it's my time to leave the 757 and head over to the 804 !

today's food for thought is actually a suggestion. with the summer i've been through behind the scenes there were definitely times i felt like just crying. but i've found a tool to keep me from doing that .. smiling and laughing. the saying laugh to keep from crying is sooo true.

so that's what i do .. when i'm mad , sad , or frustrated i get around people or do things i know will make me smile and laugh until i cry tears of joy. it's really good for the soul. and i encourage you to laugh or even just crack a smile when you feel like crying. it works , =).

today's array is from anything you could imagine going on this summer. enjoy. . .or not.

late night food moves.
couldn't be summer without at least one beach visit.

nights that turned into morning aftersssss.

kept those nails up this summer ..

tonisha , jeremy , and i.

kelsey and jb !
future suite and classmate !

and with a summer like that .. most nights end like this. ha.

until next time. . .

Sunday, August 8, 2010

robin, your hair !

some of my readers may have been wondering on the growth and different styles i've had my hair in with this summer during my natural journey. so this post is for YOU !

if you didn't know i have been natural for a year and four months with only the tips in the front still being permed.

i've only cut my hair twice and my hair grows back faster each time. it's really exciting. let's take a little stroll down naturale lane ..

early 2009 :
a simple wrap. growing as long as i wanted and only getting my ends clipped. then ... i went natural.

august 2009:
a longer cut bob. i was afraid to cut my hair soo i went for a safe cut. it grew back really fast tho.

february 2010:
right before i got it cut. the growth between the august cut up until then.. pretty good if i do say so myself ! lol.

the biggest cut of my life. a short bob. it was cut pretty short in the back. took a while to get used to but i loved it.

literally the present .. taken a few minutes ago , my hair has clearly grown out. maybe the same length or a little longer than the initial cut.

but as for this summer i've either worn it straight .. which is a little harder to keep up due to humidity and sweating.

the hardest thing is the weather .. your guess is as good as mine on how my hair will react to the air .. one day i went to the beach with a style similar to the one above and left look like this -------> !

i do like this look tho when i'm tired of everything else. it's simple , easy to do , and i love the silky look with my jet black hair.

the newest style i've tried is wrapping my roller sets up.

i know , a style made before time right ? but i was always soo afraid of it being too thick and ugly .. sooo , i never tried it until now. and i LOVE it.

it even looks pretty when it gets older.

as school approaches i plan to cut my hair one more time to get ALL the permed ends off. then i plan to grow it out back long. hopefully all goes well !

this natural process it sooooo much easier than i ever anticipated .. i notice now that a LOT of people are going natural now as well. i would suggest it to anyone. but yeah , that's about it.

feedback , questions , or comments about this natural thing would be greatly appreciated .. :D.

just an array of a few pictures with different styles. enjoy. . .or not.

giddy i can fit it in a baby ponytail ! ha. had to show y'all before i chop it off again.

until next time. . .